Chapter II- Language

Chapter II

A.    Definition
Sarana/alat komunikasi yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan ide/gagasan baik berupa lisan, tulisan maupun isyarat.

B.     Unsur-unsur Bahasa
1)      Letter (huruf)
Unsur terkecil bahasa yang tidak bermakna,
E.g. a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h ………… etc.

2)      Word (kata)
Unsur terkecil bahasa yang telah bermakna dan berkelas kata.
E.g. I, bag, sit, on, strike …………… etc.

3)      Phrase (Frase)
Rangkaian kata yang bermakna belum sempurna karena tidak adanya Subject dan Predicate. Phrase selalu memiliki Head (Inti) dan Modifier (Penjelas).
a)      Noun Phrase
Adj + Noun  atau Noun + Noun
E.g. kind boy, wooden chair …………… etc.

b)      Verbal Phrase
Aux. + Ord. atau Ord + Adv
E.g. have done, will go, comes late, run slowly ……… etc.

c)      Adjectival Phrase
Adv. of Degree + Adj atau Adj + Enough
E.g. so hot, very handsome, beautiful enough ……… etc.

d)     Adverbial Phrase
Adv. of Degree + Adv. Of Manner
E.g. pretty well, very quickly ………… etc.

e)      Prepositional Phrase
Prep + Obj. of Prep
E.g. on the table, after you, beside my house …… etc.

f)       Gerund Phrase
Gerund + Obj/Adv
E.g. waiting you makes me tired.
        Swimming in the river was my hobby.

g)      To Inf. Phrase
To Inf. + Obj/Adv
E.g. to wait you makes me tired.
       to swim in the river was my hobby.

h)      Participle Phrase
Participle + Obj/Adv
E.g. the girl loved by me is Patricia.
       Eating meatball, I am full.

i)        Exclamatory Phrase
What + (a/an)+ Adj + Noun
How + Adj/Adv
E.g. What expensive shoes you buy!
       How beautiful his mother is!
       How fast the horse runs!
4)      Clause (klausa)
Rangkaian kata bermakna yang tidak bisa berdiri sendiri.
a)      Main Clause/Independent Clause (induk kalimat)
ð  Pola : Subject + Predicate
ð  Berpotensi membentuk kalimat.
E.g. the baby cries loudly when he feels hungry.

b)      Sub Clause/Dependent Clause (anak kalimat)
ð  Pola : Conj. + Subject + Predicate
ð  Tidak berpotensi membentuk kalimat.
E.g. the baby cries loudly when he feels hungry.

5)      Sentence (kalimat)
Rangkaian kata bermakna sempurna berpola (Subject + Predicate) yang diakhiri tanda baca pengakhir, seperti:
ð  Full stop/Period (.)
ð  Question Mark (?)
ð  Exclamation Mark (!)
E.g. She danced beautifully last night.
 What are you going to do?
 Don’t ever cheat during the exam!

    I.   Determine the kinds of phrases in the following sentences!
  1. Tom runs very quickly.
  2. I am happy to meet you.
  3. His book is very big.
  4. Glenn often studies in my room.
  5. The buy an expensive book.
  6. They are sitting beside well.
  7. Cleaning the house everyday is necessary.
  8. She is very happy.
  9. The horse runs fast.
  10. I have two kind friends.

 II.   Identify phrase, clause or sentence and translate into English!
  1. Anak anak yang nakal
  2. Aku lupa.
  3. Sangat menarik.
  4. Sampai dia datang
  5. Pergi!
  6. Banyak ikan dikolamku.
  7. Buku buku tua yang tebal.
  8. Dia kejam.
  9. Meskipun dia sakit.
  10. Pertemuanku.
  11. Dia menelponku.
  12. Sampai hujan berhenti.
  13. Mobil merah itu.
  14. Menjelang ayahnya pulang


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